
Yes! GEON ALPS is a 100% legit company founded in Singapore.

Company legal name: GEON ALPS PTE LTD.

UEN: 202137881K

GEON ALPS is currently only available in the European Union. (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain & Sweden), UK, the US, Canada, Singapore and Malaysia. We are sorry to inform you that we are currently not selling to Cyprus and Malta.

The word "GEON" represents the name of the company founder, Gerald Eon Koh.

The word "ALPS" represents Authentic Luxury Products Sensational.

Elevate Your Style with GEON ALPS: Where Authenticity Meets Luxury

Our products are manufactured in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China.

When it comes to our leather goods, particularly wallets, we incorporate Saffiano leather with Stampa monogram and pair it with nylon for the lining.

Craft the detailing with 1.5G of pure 14 Karat/585 gold (in material). Investigate different choices such as alternative karats, weights, and colors. Additionally, explore the use of other materials such as Lab-Grown Diamonds, etc.

We have done our best to keep the price unchanged. Nevertheless, fluctuations in the gold rate may necessitate price adjustments. However, we assure you that we will strive to maintain a fixed price.

Incorporating elements from Tigers' appearances, the letters G, E, and K in GEON ALPS Co-founder's name (Gerald Eon Koh) were designed to represent specific features. The G represents the jaw, the E represents the eye, and the K represents the tail, ear, and nose. Additionally, the monogram includes a paw to further reinforce this connection.

A tribute to tigeress Machli (1997 - 2016)!

Machli, the renowned tigress also referred to as the Queen of Ranthambore attracted millions of tourists every year and played a significant role in the conservation of wildlife in the region. She made a profound impact on the Ranthambore National Park and its surrounding areas, becoming a symbol of the delicate balance between humans and wildlife. Machli's fame as the iconic tigress transformed the region into a prominent tourist attraction, drawing wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers from across the globe. Her enduring influence continues to inspire ongoing efforts to safeguard natural habitats and protect diverse species.

Machli's outstanding achievements have solidified her status as an iconic representation of resilience, adaptability, and the intrinsic link between wildlife and their environment.

Her story strikes a chord with both conservationists and researchers, as well as nature enthusiasts, underscoring the vital role of protecting natural ecosystems for the sake of future generations. Read more!

There are several methods available for reaching out to GEON ALPS. These options include using the contact form on our website's contact page, accessing the WhatsApp and Email links located in the footer, connecting through Messenger, Instagram, and Twitter.

For our Pre-Order sale, It indicates that the products are still in the manufacturing process or shipping process.

It can take between 30 days and 50 days for a Pre-order sale. We are working on more solutions. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. Once you purchase a Pre-Order product, we will notify you of the process. Once the product reaches our warehouse, It will automatically send out to you and the tracking link will be sent to you by email.